
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

5 Ways to Look Younger Without Botox

If you are not considering on botox, but still want a steadfast anti-aging procedure, we have some options for you to consider. Botox is ideally the fastest procedure to get rid of your wrinkles and promoting a youthful look. However, botox is also not a permanent solution and it does not eliminate your signs of aging. 

Below are some more effective anti-aging solutions for you to consider:

#1 - Facial
Going for a regular facial will help you determine the areas to fix before it becomes worse. Get a personalized consultation from beauticians on how to tackle your problems. Some facial treatments work like wonder to reduce wrinkles and dark spots within few hours. Be mindful of the beauty salon you choose and select only professional beauticians.

#2 - Face yoga
This new found method was popularized by Fumiko Takatsu. Check out her Youtube channel and learn some new moves which will help you improve your facial contour and reduce saggy skin. Comments on her videos claimed that the see improvement within a week of practice.

#3 - Vitamin C injection
Some aesthetic beauty parlour offer alternatives to botox such as Vitamin C injection which is safer and natural. If you already consider to go for botox but worry about the safety implications, try other alternatives such as vitamin C or vampire facial. 

#4 - Daily beauty regime
Never stinge on your beauty product. Premium beauty product uses high technology and quality ingredients that has higher efficacy compared to drug store. Our favourite product is the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. The name "miracle water" given to the product was apt to its efficacy. 

#5 - Supplements
Supplement such as Vitamin C, E and collagen helps to boost your skin elasticity. The lack of skin elasticity is the result of saggy face and wrinkle appearance. Consult your pharmacist on the best supplement to take. Alternatively, increase your intake on fruits and vegetables. 

To take early step on aging prevention, we would advise you to take advantage of the SK-II Magic Ring skin analysis. Head to any SK-II counter and request for skin analysis. The SK-II beauty consultant will advise you on your skin age and prediction of your skin condition in years to come. Not to worry about purchasing the products. It is their duty to introduce to you their products after the skin analysis. 
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